There are nearly 2,000,000 people living with limb loss in the United States. Approximately 185,000 amputations occur each year. The majority of amputees (54%) have lost limbs due to illness such as vascular disease which includes diabetes. Trauma is the second leading cause and accounts for approximately 45% of lost limbs. Amputations also occur due to limb deficiencies that were present at birth. The vast majority of amputations involve lower limbs (Amputee Coalition of America).

Limb loss is a life-altering event. It presents physical, psychological and social challenges for amputees and their loved ones. The road to recovery is best navigated with an interdisciplinary team of specialists trained in the care of amputees. Your selection of Centers for Mobility Prosthetics as your prosthetic provider allows our caring and compassionate staff to work closely with your rehabilitative team. Our collective goal is to return you to a more active, independent, and mobile lifestyle by helping you become a successful prosthetic user.

A prosthesis is likely to be considered medically necessary as long as the amputee is strong enough and motivated to use it. Your prosthetist will work with you to establish realistic goals. If you are a lower limb amputee, the prosthetist will play a key role in fulfilling your desire to walk again. Each patient’s potential for ambulation varies based on their functional ability. The use of a prosthesis could be minimally limited to transfers and household ambulation. The prosthetist plans and builds a prosthesis while selecting specific components to help each amputee achieve their individual goals. For example, if a below the knee amputee plays golf, a prosthetic foot with certain features may be selected to assist in that patient’s performance. In other words, the design of your prosthesis is based on your current and potential functional ability.

At CFM Prosthetics, we use the latest in prosthetic technology to customize the design, fit and fabrication of the most appropriate prosthesis for you. Our professional and caring staff will assist you and your family in understanding each step of the prosthetic process.